What would the events of Holy Week look like in Leeds in 2015?

This Easter, Passion4Leeds will imagine what it'd be like if the events of Holy Week took place in Leeds in 2015. Where would Jesus go, what would he do, who would he be with, how would the city react? The story will be imagined through Twitter and other social media, with opportunities to reflect on its meaning today.

From Monday 30 March to Easter Sunday, we'll ‘virtually’ recreate the stories of Jesus together, from the triumphal entry, to the resurrection, set in Leeds today. It's hoped that it will prompt questions, conversations and the search for deeper truth with Christians and others alike.

You can follow the Passion 4 Leeds story as it breaks on the Twitter account @leedspassion  If you don’t have a Twitter account, get one now  (it's very simple), so you can share with others what really matters as Easter approaches.

Or you can check out the podcast to hear other Leeds people discussing it. We’ll be talking about protests and publicity stunts, homelessness, food poverty, fear-based politics and the gospel of hope at http://passion4leeds.org.uk

For more information contact LCI on 0113 3917928 events@leedschurchinstitute.org

This project is a partnership of Leeds Church Institute, Network Leeds, Leeds Christian Community Trust (LCCT) and Leeds Churches Together in Mission (LCTiM)



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