Winter winds no longer an problem as church work completed

The cold north wind may blow this winter, but it will not be a problem for Christ Church Sowerby Bridge with the completion of two important maintenance projects. 
Roof repairs to the South porch of the Grade II listed church are now complete, alongside work to refurbish the church’s toilet area. 
The roof repairs were 50% funded by a grant of £700 from the National Churches Trust matching the church’s contribution from the Fabric Fund. 
Members of the church have also thanked the Rushbearing Committee, Community Giving Stream of Nestlé Halifax, and individual donors who have so far raised £1500 towards the work to make the toilet area warmer and more welcoming. 
The work, which took place in October and November, involved specialist repairs to ensure the wind and weather could not damage the stonework above the main entrance. 
In the toilet area damp penetration has been addressed, LED lighting responsive to a motion sensor has been installed and re-decoration is complete apart from the final floor covering due in the New Year. 
Peter Henry Church Warden said “We are conscious that Christ Church is a key Victorian building in the centre of the conservation area but it is a challenge to keep it comfortable for use today. 
“These two projects are small but important to ensure the church is in good order as we head towards our 200th anniversary in 2021.” 
In the four years since Sowerby Bridge was hit by floods the church has worked hard to ensure the building is better equipped and available for more community use. 
Today it is not only used for services but also as a space for community group meetings, seasonal events and exhibitions and, from 2020, as a concert venue.

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