Yorkshire County Cricket welcomes a new chaplain

Yorkshire County Cricket Club have welcomed a new club chaplain at the start of the cricketing season.

The Right Reverend Chris Edmondson, the former Bishop of Bolton and Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Leeds, has succeeded the Canon Max Wigley following 15 years in the role. 

Chris was Bishop of Bolton for eight years until his retirement in 2016 when he became an honorary assistance bishop in the diocese of Leeds. He was educated at St. John’s College, Durham University, and ordained in 1974, beginning his ecclesiastical career as curate at Kirkheaton and later serving as warden of Lee Abbey, Lynton, Devon.

"Not many will realise that lots of professional sports clubs now have chaplains...something I think is useful to have, someone who is very much commited to a particular sport and outside of the situation," said The Right Reverend Chris Edmondson.

"A Chaplain can be a listening ear, a confidant and in this instance not just to the playing staff but to members of the office, the groundsmen, volunteers and anybody who is connected with the club."

"It doesn't always have to be a major crisis but my role involves coming alongside and sometimes simply giving a bit of advice when needed. 

"Obviously I am here as a Christian chaplain but available to all and I hope and pray I can add value to all that takes place here at the club and that we have a successful season here at Yorkshire." 

Mark Arthur, Chief Executive of Yorkshire County Cricket Club (pictured above and right), said, "We're delighted to welcome Bishop Chris, our new chaplain of the Yorkshire County Cricket Club.

"I think it is essential that we have someone like Chris around the place. I have been involved in professional sport now for 30 years and it is always very useful to have somebody who is slightly detached from the day to day running of an organisation.

"People think that professional sporting entities are overly confident but in fact we are all human beings and from time to time we need help and support a little further away from our fellow colleagues.

"A chaplaincy at a professional sports club is a vital component to everyday life here."  


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