Holy Trinity Primary School, Barnsley, are buzzing to produce their own honey after building a number of bee hives.
The school currently has three hives to help protect the British honey bee, which has been in rapid decline in the UK since the late 1990s, with a 45% loss of commercial honey bees since 2010.
Helped by a parent of one of the school’s pupils, who is a beekeeper himself, a number of staff and students have volunteered to spend their free time working to construct the hives and frames for the bees’ arrival.
Once they become established and the bees are settled in to their new home on the school grounds, Holy Trinity then hope to begin producing their own honey!
They also hope to get the students more involved by expanding the project, allowing the children to develop packaging designs and work with the marketing of the honey.
Alison Sefton, Senior Science Technician who has been leading the project, said, "Whilst we are helping to protect the bees, they also offer something in return, as it has been medically proven that local honey can alleviate the symptoms of hay fever."