Young Christians sought for diocesan exchange trip to USA

The Diocese of Leeds are looking for young Christians to take part in a longstanding exchange program with a diocese in the USA next year. 
There has been a youth exchange program with the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia for over 40 years, where young people from our diocese and theirs alternate visiting each other. 
Next year, there will be a party of six young people, aged 15+, with 2 adult chaperones, going to Virginia. 
The Diocesan Virginia Link Committee are looking for applications from interested young people, including from new parishes who have not yet been involved in the exchange with the link diocese. 
Those who go are making no commitment to hosting visitors from Virginia in the following year, although it is hoped that they will have some involvement in the 2021 visit.
The proposed dates are from July 23 to August 10 2020 (flights may arrive early on 11th). 
The cost is £1500, with the hope that parishes will assist their young person in raising funds.
Applications can be made by interested young people on a form at
Any questions can be directed to the Virginia Link Group at 
The final date for applications is January 3 2020, with a reference from the clergy or a youth leader required by that date.

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