DBE Approval

Any change of status for a Church school requires DBE approval.  The appropriate forms can be found below.

The Leeds Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) is a statutory body under the 2021 DBE Measure. The Members of the DBE, through their commitment, skills and experience, are to ensure that the statutory obligations of the DBE are met. Such obligations includes the Bishop consulting with the DBE on the appointment of the Director of Education (a statutory role).

The DBE meets as a full board at least three times a year (termly). There are three designated subcommittees (each chaired by a DBE Member) which meet at least three times a year to manage the work of the DBE:

  • DBE Buildings and Finance Subcommittee: allocation of statutory capital funds, and DBE finances including management of restricted educational funds;
  • DBE School Organisation Subcommittee: approval of schools to become academies, change of name requests, PAN increase and PAN decrease requests and collaborations and federations approval;
  • DBE School Effectiveness Subcommittee: the provision by the DBE of guidance and support to schools and the statutory inspection of schools.

For further information or to arrange a discussion with a serving member of the Diocesan Board of Education please contact Helen Shelley helen.shelley@leeds.anglican.org 

Links to

Change of Status Application Form: Pupil Admission Number Reduction

Change of Status Application Form: Pupil Admission Number Increase

Change of Status Application Form: Approval to Federate

Change of Status Application Form: Approval to Collaborate

Change of Status Application Form: Approval to Change of Name

Change of Status Application Form: Approval to Change of Age Range

Change of Status Application Form: Approval to Change from Voluntary Controlled to Voluntary Aided 

A1 Academy Registering an interest in becoming an academy

A2 Application to DBE to proceed to academy conversion

A3 Application to DBE Single Academy Trust to rebroker in to an existing MAT

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education Representative Application Form

Statutory Obligations - DBE Measure 2021

Discharging the work of the DBE


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