Karin Shaw

Karin Shaw will be serving in the parish of St Peter’s, Harrogate (Leeds Diocese). She trained part-time for ordination at St Hild College alongside her job as Fresh Expressions of Church Enabler. She enjoyed her Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry and Mission. Previously, Karin trained as a Secondary English and Drama teacher at Nottingham University before working for charities (Saltmine and Youth For Christ), Cliff College and churches –Families Worker and Youth Worker). She and husband Graham have nineteen year-old twins, Tom and Phoebe and a Siberian cat called Boris who rules the roost. In her spare time Karin enjoys films and theatre, comedy, reading and catching up with friends. She is a tea-addict. Karin loves being with people inside and outside the church and looks for ways to bridge gaps between the two. She loves working in teams to learn from others and encourage people of all ages to find and grow their God-given gifts.


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