Mayor of Harrogate scales heights at church fun day

The Mayor of Harrogate didn’t allow his chain of office to weigh him down when he took part in a churches family fun day in North Yorkshire last weekend.

Cllr Nigel Simms came along to lend his support to the Tanfield Lake Family Fun Day and ascended a climbing wall, complete with his Mayoral chain. Watched by some of the hundreds of visitors to the Fun Day, Cllr Simms made swift work of the ascent.

The Family Fun Day was put together by members of the local Anglican group of churches as a major fundraiser. The churches of North Stainley, West Tanfield, Well, Snape, Masham and Healey will all benefit from the estimated £4800 raised.

The Revd David Cleeves, Vicar of the Masham Group of Churches said, "The weather was kind and there was an amazing, friendly atmosphere to the whole day with lots of families enjoying traditional country fair activities, and it was great to have our mayor here lending his support. It's been a wonderful day and I'm most grateful to all the volunteers who have made it possible."

The Mayor, Cllr Simms is a regular bellringer and server at St Mary’s Church Masham  which 

Climbalso hosted the Harrogate Borough Council’s Civic Service, last weekend, the first time it has done so for many years. The service was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress, Deputy Mayor Jenny Travena and several local councillors, cabinet members and aldermen of Harrogate Borough. The service was led by Revd David Cleeves, who is  Mayor's Chaplain for the year. 

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