A time of sorrow and gratitude for a life of devoted service, reflects Bishop Nick

The passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh is a time for both prayer and gratitude for a life of devoted service, says Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines in a sombre reflection.

“The death of the Duke of Edinburgh today has brought great sadness, even though it was not entirely unexpected,” says Bishop Nick in a video for the diocese.

“He has lived to a grand age and lived an extraordinary life in extraordinary times.

“But first, he was a husband, a father, a grandfather and a great-grandfather and it is the Queen and her family that we hold in our thoughts, and most particularly, in our prayers today.

“I speak on behalf of the bishops and the parishes and clergy of the Diocese of Leeds as we send our condolences and promise our prayers for all of the Royal Family, the nation and the Commonwealth, as we move from one age to another.

“The Duke had a remarkable life in which he devoted himself to public service. Putting himself second, he served his wife, who is the Queen, and we express our gratitude to him for the life he has lived on behalf of the nation and the Commonwealth.

“So, we remember him with gratitude and today we pray that he would rest in peace and rise in glory.

A prayer:

“Lord God who has made us in your image, we thank you for the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, for his life and all he has given to his people.

“We commend him to you in his death and pray for the Queen and the Royal Family as they grieve and mourn.

“We commend him to your love and mercy in sure and certain hope of the resurrection ‘til life eternal and we pray this in the name of Jesus.”


The video reflection from Bichop Nick can be found below.


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