Above and Beyond for Huddersfield\'s Holy Trinity church

Holy Trinity Church in Huddersfield is celebrating a small step in its ambitious five year project to invest in its future for ongoing ministry and witness in the town and beyond.

For two centuries, Holy Trinity Church has been a prominent feature on the Huddersfield skyline offering a place of worship, welcome and community and establishing themselves as a place of service to their community and the world beyond.

But this year – they wanted to do more – and they launched the Above and Beyond initiative which aims to raise £250,000 by 2021 to ensure a stable and secure foundation to ensure the mission and ministry of the church is safe for future generations.

The vicar, the Revd Mike Wilkins said: “As we move into our third century as a Christian community, we recognise that it is our turn to invest in the future of Holy Trinity Church and to seek the growth of God’s Kingdom here in Huddersfield.”

The project identifies three streams of work: The building – to focus on getting the building watertight, warm and welcoming; Resourcing its mission and ministry – through investment in children and families, youth and students and worship ministry. And thirdly: resourcing the wider church by giving to those who are less fortunate both at home and abroad.

And they are just celebrating the completion of phase 1 of the three phase building project – to make the building watertight by restoring the south side roof – with thanks to Heritage Lottery Fund's generous support of £182k - pictured left at their 200th anniversary of laying their foundatio stone last year when they heard the funding news.

Said Mike: “We are investing in our building, mission and ministry as we seek to make committed followers of Jesus and share His transforming love and we aim to dothis primarily by the generosity of the congregation’s giving to God’s work. 

“Progress so far on this, … good!” he added.



You can watch a bird's eye view of the roof project here: 


Or hear some of the congregation talk about the Above and Beyond project here:http://www.holytrinityhuddersfield.com/above-and-beyond-2/


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