Any Questions? Leeds Minster to host iconic Radio 4 broadcast

The historic setting of Leeds Minster has been chosen for a live broadcast of Radio 4’s Any Questions? on Friday 7th September 2018, chaired by Jonathan Dimbleby.

The panellists reflect a range of political perspectives, with politicians and distinguished figures from across our public life. The panel for this event is as follows:

Lord Eric Pickles, previously Leader of Bradford Council, Chairman of the Conservative Party, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Minster for Faith. Currently co-chair of the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation.

Dan Jarvis MP is the newly elected Mayor for Sheffield City Region and a former soldier in the British Army.

Selina Scott, television presenter and journalist, campaigner against ageism and an advocate for animal welfare and conservation.

Laura Parker, former private secretary to Jeremy Corbyn and now the National Coordinator for Momentum.

The programme – currently celebrating its 70th anniversary – is broadcast live on Radio 4 on Friday evenings following the 8pm news. The audience submits questions on the day of the broadcast and four to six of them are included in the actual broadcast. One of the stringent and unchanging rules of Any Questions? is that the panel never sees the questions in advance; the panellists hear them for the first time at the same moment the audience in the hall and at home does.

Canon Sam Corley, Rector of Leeds commented:

‘Leeds Minster plays an important part in the public life of Leeds, and we are delighted to welcome visitors and panellists from across the political spectrum for Any Questions. I am looking forward to a lively discussion as Leeds people pose the questions and set the agenda for debate around the issues that concern them.’

Tickets can be reserved by emailing or by leaving a telephone message on (0113) 245 2036. Admission is from 6.45pm and audience members need to be seated by 7.15pm.

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