Archdeacon Peter Townley to head our church buildings advice team

The Diocesan Advisory Committee has welcomed its new chair, the Ven Peter Townley, Archdeacon of Pontefract.

The role of the DAC Chair is to oversee the balance between the need for parishes to improve their buildings in order to engage with the local community in a relevant and vibrant manner, and the desire to conserve our important church heritage.

Peter brings many years of parish and diocesan experience to his new role.

His compassionate views on the difficulties for churchwardens and other parish officers in caring for church buildings compliments his knowledge of working with listed churches and the need for conservation. His sensible and pragmatic approach to all works to churches, no matter how large or small, will be an asset to the DAC.

As well as chairing the committee meetings and attending DAC visits, Peter will be working alongside the DAC officers to oversee several changes, including the introduction of new ways of approaching casework and the formation of a newly revised membership of the DAC. It will be an exciting few months ahead and Peter’s insight and knowledge will be welcome during this process.

Peter will continue his role as Archdeacon of Pontefract and Chaplain to the Mothers’ Union and the committee are very grateful that Peter is willing to take on the further responsibility of DAC chair.

The Archdeacon of Pontefract said: “I feel very humbled to be asked to serve the Diocese in this way and privileged to be working alongside Lisa McIntyre,Jen Read, Stephen Craven and the rest of the committee who give so much in their commitment to the flourishing and wellbeing of our churches”.

Any enquiries regarding works to churches should continue to be directed to the Archdeacon or DAC officers.

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