Bellringers listen and learn during grand day out in Harrogate

Bellringing teams and campanologists from our diocese and beyond have gathered in Harrogate to celebrate all things ringing.

Some 300 bellringers, their families and friends, enjoyed the event entitled ‘A Grand Day Out’ at the Pavilions, the Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, on Saturday, April 13.

"Throughout the day we had the opportunity to listen to seminars, watch demonstrations, have a go at trying out new things and enter various competitions," said Deborah Thorley, from St James', Silsden.

"The seminars included talks on recruiting new ringers, tower maintenance, using simulators and mobile apps to improve skills, how to run a perfect practice session, safeguarding, and what the Association of Ringing Teachers does for ringers.

"Demonstrations of both tune ringing and method ringing on handbells were followed by ‘have-a-go’ sessions.

"There were also opportunities to try out mini-rings of bells as well as ‘The Wombel’ to assess your striking. Competitions included a ringers’ tea baking competition, a treasure hunt for young (and not so young) ringers and a striking competition with bands assembled during the day," Deborah said.

The Dean of Ripon, the Very Revd John Dobson (himself a ringer – seen in action on the Beverley and District Mini-ring) drew the prizes for the two raffles and announced the winners of the competitions.

Dean John also thanked ringers for all the contributions that they make to church life and also the Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers Education Committee for organising the day.


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