Bradford Cathedral awarded £190k

Bradford CathedralBradford Cathedral has been awarded £190,000 from the First World War Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund – a £20million government-sponsored grant fund announced by the Chancellor in his March budget.

The Grant will enable high level repairs  to be carried out on the roof and timber work of the cathedral following an inspection which discovered leaks.

The Dean, the Very Revd Jerry Lepine, said “Looking after ancient buildings is both a privilege and at times an expensive responsibility.  Visitors to the Cathedral will know that we care deeply for this mediaeval building and want to look after it and the beautiful grounds as best we can. This solves our immediate major repair bills on the Cathedral building at a stroke and we are hugely grateful.”

Cathedrals are an inherent part of the country’s cities and powerful symbols of our history, yet are active community hubs and often at the centre of urban regeneration plans. The Church of England's 42 cathedrals alone welcome over 11m visitors a year, employ over 6,000 staff supported by over 15,000 dedicated volunteers, and generate at least £350million annually for the national economy.  This demonstrates how much cathedrals contribute – and depend upon – the communities around them.

Along with cathedrals throughout the country, Bradford will be hosting a number of services and events to remember the sacrifices of the dead the wounded in the Great War.  

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