Bradford vigil for Iraq

PosterVigil at Cathedral

There will be a vigil at Bradford Cathedral on Wednesday 10th September, between 6pm and 8pm, to pray for people of all faiths currently facing persecution in Iraq.

The Revd Cat Thatcher, who will be leading the vigil says, “The Church of England, who stand firmly against any targeting of people on the basis of their religion, is encouraging everyone to pray, act and give to help all those suffering in Iraq.”

The Dean, the Very Revd Jerry Lepine added “In the short time that I have been in Bradford there have been at least two occasions when we have been prompted to remember our brothers and sisters in Christ in difficult circumstances in other parts of the world.  In prayer we show our solidarity with them and ask for God’s strength for them in their time of trial.”

Whilst UN and UK humanitarian support has been welcomed, the need is currently far greater than the support being provided, and this will be a sustained crisis with support needed for the long term as well as to meet immediate needs now. Churches and individuals are being encouraged to write to their local MPs urging them to press the Government to increase Britain's humanitarian efforts for all those affected by the crisis and to ask for asylum to be granted to a fair number of those who will be unable to return to their homes.

People of all faiths and none are welcome to join the vigil, for the whole period or to drop in at any time during the two hours.  For more details call 01274 777720 or see 

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