Cathedral provides Computers to support Community

With schools still closed and the constant demand for computers and IT equipment for home-working still a problem across the district, Wakefield Cathedral have been able to play their part in tackling this situation with the support of a local community group. 

‘Wrenthorpe and Kirkhamgate Assist’ are a group, founded in 2020, which came together to help local people facing a raft of different challenges caused or amplified by the pandemic.

One of the ways in which the group have been able to support people is through the redistribution of old/unused IT equipment such as computers, laptops and mobile phones.

The Dean of Wakefield, the Very Revd Simon Cowling said: ““As I’m sure is the case with many organisations, overtime we have accumulated a number of old, but perfectly serviceable laptops which have ended up being stored away and untouched for a long period of time.

“It seemed like such a waste of resources for this equipment to be going unused, particularly in the current climate. Therefore I was very pleased to hear that Wrenthorpe and Kirkhamgate Assist would be able to take these machines and repurpose them, in turn making a significant difference to families in our local area.”

Wakefield Cathedral were able to donate nine laptops to the group which were all refurbished and given a new lease of life to help individuals and families living in the local area.

Chris Lord, Wrenthorpe and Kirkhamgate volunteer, said: “I was very pleased to be given the opportunity to refurbish these laptops to help out families and schools in Wakefield. 

“Whilst we all seem to live in a connected world, not everyone has the means, skills or confidence to be part of it and the problem is particularly magnified by the pandemic, the restrictions with which we live and of course, home schooling.”

Cllr Nic Stansby, Chair of Wrenthorpe and Kirkhamgate Assist, added: "We were delighted to accept these laptops which will make such a difference to our families who are currently relying on paper-based learning to do their school work. 

“The laptops will ensure that all pupils have access to the same level of education, and, thanks to generous community donations, we can also provide Wi-Fi dongles for those who don't have internet access."

If you would like to find out more about Wrenthorpe and Kirkhamgate Assist and the work they do, please visit their Neighbourly or Facebook page. 

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