Chance of new grants for our historic churches just announced

New grants for 2021 to help support our listed churches are now available as part of the Cultural Recovery Fund - with three weeks to apply.

The Cultural Recovery Fund for Heritage has just been announced and the closing date for application is January 26.

Not all churches will be eligible, but it is worth exploring if your church is historically significant and needs assistance to get back onto a financially sustainable footing, advises Becky Nicholson, diocesan Lead Stewardship Officer.

“We really want people to know about this as there is a real will to give money to places of worship from this fund,” Becky said.

“The scope of the funding is quite broad, so I would encourage everyone to think about any works or adjustments that will make their churches welcoming and safe for congregations and visitors and view the Church of England guidance notes to check if they are eligible to apply.

Lisa McIntyre, Secretary of the Diocesan Advisory committee added: “The focus is very much on re-opening and welcoming people safely during the current lockdown and in the future whether visitors, communities or commercial partners – and it helpfully includes areas such as necessary minor repairs and maintenance.”

A guidance webinar from the National Heritage Lottery Fund and Historic England staff will be held on January 13 and 14 and booking is suggested immediately due to an anticipated high demand.

More information about the webinar can be viewed here. Please note that applications for funding must be received by January 26, 2021 and to help you with your application and more details are available on our website at /stewardship-and-income-generation.php/funding

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