Children’s parade for peace in Manningham

Children from two schools in the parish of St. Paul’s Manningham, Bradford,  have closed their academic year by celebrating where they live  and asking for peace in the area.

Local vicar, Revd Canon Alistair Helm joined three year groups from Miriam Lord Primary School parade around the area with placards asking for peace. Led by head teacher Bryan Harrison they chanted “we want peace” to the delight of shop keepers and passers-by.

"Despite the rain a great time was experienced with the celebrations finishing in the school playground when joined by the whole school a rendition of Bob Marley’s ‘One Love’ filled the air", said Alistair. “What a joy it was to join in this happy occasion. To walk with children and staff who love Manningham was a privilege.”

WalkLater the same day children from Westbourne Primary School, Manningham, placed ‘stones of love’ around the area. Michelle Moyle, Saint Paul’s outreach worker, had over the past weeks arranged for stones to be decorated by children in assemblies and at the After School Club. These were placed around the streets by Year 6 children in places where people could read the messages of concern for the area.

ManninghamMichelle said, ” The children have been so enthusiastic in painting the stones and showed a real concern for the area. It was a good end to a great day for Manningham.”

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