Churchyard team at Leeds church gains two new four-legged members

One of our churches in the Leeds area has been playing host to two new four-legged friends to help keep the vegetation under control; they are Pablo and Geoffrey, the alpacas.
St Wilfrid’s Calverley has a team of grazing animals to help keep the churchyard tidy, made up of three goats, and now, the two alpacas, gifted to the church by a local resident.
The animals have proven to be star attractions for the church, with many across the local area visiting to check them out. 
One pupil of Calverley Church of England Primary School, which is adjacent to the churchyard, has raised funds to purchase a purpose-built hut for Pablo and Geoffrey to shelter in during the winter months.
John Corbin, a Licensed Lay Minster at the church, said: “The children love them and it’s wonderful that they will have lasting memories of their childhood that includes being able to engage with these animals.
“A local resident who lives overlooking the pen where the animals are kept overnight has taken on the role of their ‘keeper’ and makes sure they are fed and watered at least twice a day, and has even installed his own wildlife camera to monitor their behaviour. 
“This is remarkable as the resident concerned does not attend church but has become actively engaged with this form of outreach into the local community.
“The introduction of the animals has been such a success that the PCC have agreed to purchase a small flock of sheep to supplement the work already being carried out. 
“Our alpacas and goats demonstrate how all of nature points to God and can be a point of spiritual connection for many people, as well as very practical.” 

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