Faith according to a rapper and a former drug addict

A rapper and a former drug addict spoke powerfully about their Christian faith at a mission event held this month at Christ Church, Upper Armley.

Vicar, the Revd Arani Sen, says, “During the evening - to which over 120 people came - Steve Amos (left), who goes to St John's Yeadon, gave a powerful testimony about how he’d been changed by Jesus following a life of drug addiction and prison.

"Then Christian rapper Daddy Abe (right) shared his love of Jesus through rap – which went down really well with the young people. A lot of them had come through our Youth Project, and we also had many from Meeting Point, our flourishing project for asylum seekers and refugees.

“The event built real bridges between the church and the community and it was fantastic that this creative approach enabled so many young people to engage with the Christian story.” 



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