\'Flags of Hope\' unveiled at Yorkshire Dales church

'Flags of Hope', created by Yorkshire Dales crafters, now hang in St Andrew’s, Grinton for visitors to enjoy. 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, owners of a Yorkshire Dales craft shop, 'The Threshing Barn', found in the village of Reeth, decided to invite local people to make A5 pieces of artwork called ‘Flags of Hope’.

They saw a brilliant response, with more than 250 entries sent in by local crafters.

Originally 'The Threshing Barn' planned to display the flags from their trade stand at craft shows in 2021. However, the shows have unfortunately not been able to restart and instead the flags have found a home in Grinton Church, unveiled for the first time on Easter Sunday.

Revd Caroline Hewlett, vicar of Swaledale with Arkengarthdale, said, “Janet Philips, the owner of The Threshing Barn had the idea to cheer people up during lockdown last year, and to look to the future with hope. 

“She called the project ‘Flags of Hope’ and began by sending out kits to anyone who wanted them.

“The project took on a life of its own and people started making these pieces and sending them in.

“There is a Facebook Page, and it has become a bit of a community, with people sharing ideas and encouraging each other, sometimes across the world.

“The flags will be in our church over the summer, and have also been requested for display by a school and a hospital.”

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