Fountains Church Bradford dreams big as phase one is completed

Fountains Church Bradford have shared an update about the ‘big dreams’ they have for their church in the city, with the completion of phase one of the work.
Their new auditorium space has been completed, while the exterior of the church has been cleaned up, with a new sign fitted.
The Revd Linda Maslen, Church Leader, said: “I think we’ve really changed the front of the building; it looks amazing.
“When you look from Centenary Square, you can just see us as part of the landscape. 
“Phase two means it will look really good from Chester Street, from the other side. 
“The whole building will look so much better.”
“The auditorium is now completed, it’s a great, open space that can be used really flexibly, holds up to about 180 people, amazing AV equipment and we are now starting to look to see whether anybody would like to book it, to use it at times when we’re not using it for worship.” 
The Revd Nathanael Poole, assistant church leader, said: “When we initially looked at purchasing this building, we only looked at buying a small part of it, one unit, and yet we find ourselves with five units, five nightclubs. 
“This has caused us to think that God has big dreams for Bradford and big dreams for this church and so just being in here makes us dream big dreams too.”
The £4.6 million project is being funded thanks to the Church of England’s Strategic Development Fund.
Phase two will see the creation of a flexible space, plus a co-working and creative space. 
The church also hopes it will be able to run cooking lessons.
Phase three will eventually become the main auditorium and will be able to accommodate between 800 and 1,000 people.
A video tour of the building can be found here.
A version of this report first appeared in the Telegraph and Argus, and can be read here.

All pictures courtesy of the Telegraph and Argus and a reader's comment said: "This is a multi- million pound investment in a dis-used dilapidated building. Great news for the area and a very good use of this large structure. Well done to the Leeds Diocese for having the imagination to see how this run down building could be transformed into a new church. Excellent news!"

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