Green lighting scheme brightens St Hilda\'s in time for Easter

A replacement lighting project based on green principles is now helping St Hilda’s, Halifax cut its electricity bills and has brightened its worship.

The project to replace ten halogen flood lights with LED equivalents started because of a Green Journey report, commissioned by the diocese in 2017.

“This offered a saving in energy, CO2 reductions and a significant saving on our electricity costs,” said St Hilda’s PCC secretary Barbara Robinson.

Green Energy Consultancy staff who had produced the report visited in January 2018 and were asked to advise on all the internal and external lighting for the church which is close to a road, on a bus route and in a residential area - but not well-lit. 

“Their initial estimate for a the complete replacement was £3,548 +VAT. 

“We are not a rich church; it was going to mean lots of coffee mornings/fundraising activities!” Barbara said.

The Community Fund for Calderdale announced a 6C Environment Fund in June 2018 and an application was made for a grant for the lighting because of the energy-saving/CO2 reduction aspect. 

“We were successful in obtaining £1,500 which gave us hope and confidence.  It was agreed that a generous legacy should go towards the lighting.  We requested help from the Warley Trust because we are part of a joint benefice with St John the Evangelist, Warley. Grants were not made in June, but we were encouraged to re-apply in December and received £1,200 - prayer works!” Barbara said.

After detailed checking of requirements on site by the company electricians in January 2019, the quote was for £5,037 incl VAT and accepted.

Now completed, the project has made St Hilda’s bright, beautiful and much cheaper to run.

“The new lights showed the church and the Rood splendidly and those attending appreciated the brighter outside lighting, increasing safety and security,” Barbara said.

Environment officer for the diocese Jemima Parker congratulated St Hilda’s on their success:

“Well done to St Hilda’s. This is a great example of how lighting can be part of how we care for God’s creation.

“A scheme like this can save energy and greenhouse gas emissions long term as well as improving the quality of the worship space.

"It’s good to hear that the Green Journey survey was instructive”.

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