Intrepid Revs required for rollercoaster ride

Revd David AustinCurate at St Peter’s Addingham, the Revd David Austin (pictured), will be among a group of intrepid clergy who will be riding ‘the Big One’ at Blackpool Pleasure Beach next month to raise money for the Children’s Society.

The event aims to highlight the work of the Children’s Society in helping children in disadvantaged families and David said he needed little persuasion to take part.  “ As someone who is known for keeping their feet on the ground, when The Children’s Society asked me to ride high for them I couldn’t resist and on September 24th I will be one of the ‘Revs on a rollercoaster’ as we try and raise money for the vital work of the Children’s Society.”

Now the Children's Society is trying to recruit more of his clergy colleagues to join David and other intrepid colleagues on ‘The Big One’. The rollercoaster is one of the longest in the world, measuring more than a mile in length. It climbs to a nail biting height of 235ft and the first drop boasts an incline of 65 degrees reaching speeds of up to 87mph.

David said he was not put off by the daunting statistics.  “For many, a day on a theme park is a distant dream. By supporting the work of The Children’s Society we don’t just help them survive, we help them flourish. So please sponsor me to get my feet off the ground, and so help bring joy to children living with poverty or neglect.”

Clergy who want to join David on the roller-coaster ride will need to raise £500 of sponsorship for the Children’s Society.

Mo Baldwin at The Children's Society says, “The Children's Society works with some of the most neglected children and young people in this country, addressing the causes and consequences of poverty and neglect. 

“Families, for whom the summer holidays are a source of despair as they wonder how they might entertain, occupy or even feed their children, are often at their most stretched financially with little hope of days out or childhood laughter. We want to change this. We work with children whose stories have little joy or fun-filled memories; we provide credible research into the cause and impact of poverty and neglect and we campaign to ensure the lives of children are as positive as they can possibly be.”

Mo added, “We are looking for clergy to 'volunteer' to ride for us! The more scared you are, the better! Parishioners and sponsors like to know you won't be enjoying it! “

Find out more by contacting Mo Baldwin, or 07739 923773 

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