Kids Aloud at Ripon Cathedral

A demonstration of Ripon Cathedral’s magnificent Lewis organ by world renowned composer Philip Wilby was one of the highlights of a visit by 40 school children from Nepal.

This is the first time that the children, from the Khatmandu region have travelled abroad. They arrived with their 11 teachers this week and are busy rehearsing for a concert at Harrogate’s Royal Hall – when they will be joined by around 600 children from the area.

Whilst visiting the cathedral the children enjoyed a tour of the bell tower, the Anglo Saxon crypt (the oldest part of any English cathedral) and some fun song and dance.

The trip’s been organised by Guy Wilson, a member of the cathedral community and Harrogate Brigantes Rotary Club which supports schools and communities in Nepal.

Harrogate Brigantes and Kids Aloud is on at the Royal Hall, Harrogate, on March 29 and 30. The theme of the show is a Nepalese fairy tale about a monkey boy born to human parents. Mr Wilson said: “One of the songs that the children have written includes the lyrics – ‘I am scared inside, I’m petrified…’ that about sums it up at the moment as we haven’ yet brought it all together! That said they are doing wonderfully.”

Prakash Raut, the children’s dance teacher said: “They are very excited. They think that it’s awesome to be here. They are quite confident ahead of their performance.”

Music teacher Sumit Pokhrew added: “This is a completely new experience for them; to sing in a choir is very rare. It is beyond our imagination, something like that! They have never been in this type of building – a church – there is nothing as old in our country.”

Visiting the cathedral has been one of many new experiences for them; learning to eat with cutlery and use a normal flushing lavatory are amongst the others!

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