Lay ministry the topic of upcoming webinar

How we think about reader ministry in the diocese is the topic of an upcoming webinar for all our licensed lay ministers.
This year sees the quinquennial renewal of licences for all licensed lay minsters (LLMs), also known as readers, and in preparation there is to be a virtual get-together via Zoom on Saturday March 27. 
The Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines, will give the keynote speech, while other speakers will include the Venerable Jonathan Gough, Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven and Diocesan Warden of Readers and LLMs, and the Director of Mission and Ministry, the Revd Dr Andrew Norman, who will talk about the importance of LLMs in the future development of our mission and ministry.  
There will be also video messages highlighting LLMs from across the diocese exercising their ministry as teachers of the faith, enablers of mission, and leaders in church and society. 
Throughout the sessions there will be opportunities to chat in breakout rooms and hear from fellow LLMs about how we can fulfil our calling in this time. 
Ian Grange, Area Warden of Readers for the Huddersfield area, said: “The meeting will look at LLM/Reader ministry and start to re-envision how we each play our part in building God’s Kingdom in Yorkshire.
“This day is intended to give Readers/LLMs from across the diocese an opportunity to discuss their responses to the Reader Review and to consider priorities and possibilities as we prepare re-licensing that takes place this year.
“This will be the start of a journey together and it is intended to follow it up with Area meetings during the summer.
“In the Letter to the Hebrews we read, ‘By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going.’
“In these still uncertain times join us in the sure and certain faith that we have all been called to serve like Abraham," said Ian, pictured right.
To register and receive the Zoom link please contact Annette Blackburn, People & Engagement Administrator and PA to Diocesan Director of Ministry & Mission at

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