Leeds Minster to host regional Commonwealth Celebration

FlagsA major regional service in celebration of the Commonwealth will be held at Leeds Minster today Sunday 22 April.

The Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Dame Dr Ingrid Roscoe, is playing a leading role in the event which is open to all and takes place at 3.30pm at the Minster on  Kirkgate,Leeds  LS2 7DJ. 

The Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines,  will be the preacher. Also taking part will be the Lord Mayor of Leeds.

The service of celebration has been timed to coincide with the end of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London between 16th & 20th April. (More details about that here: www.chogm2018.org.uk)

The Commonwealth Celebration service also follows the very successful Commonwealth Games held on the Gold Coast from April 4 – 15.

Rector of Leeds, the Revd Canon Sam Corley, says he hopes that there will be an international feel to the service.  “We want to invite people from across the region to this celebration of the Commonwealth, especially anyone with connections to one of the fifty three Commonwealth nations.”

“People are welcome to wear national dress”, he adds

Among those giving the  Commonwealth Celebration that international flavour will be the Punjabi Roots Academy who will open the celebration.


A message from the Queen will accompany the programme of events which has been published. She writes,

“We all have reason to give thanks for the numerous ways in which our lives are enriched when we learn from others. Through exchanging ideas, and seeing life from other perspectives, we grow in understanding and work more collaboratively  towards a common future. There is a very special value in the insights we gain through the Commonwealth connection; shared inheritances help us overcome difference so that diversity is a cause for celebration rather than division.” (See full message below).

All are welcome to the service which is expected to last approximately 70 minutes. It will be held at  Leeds Minster, April 22 at 3.30pm


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