Letter encourages all churches to hold Climate Sunday service this year

The world’s climate is high on the Church’s agenda this year, and parishes across the country are being encouraged to hold a service this year focusing on global warming, as part of the Climate Sunday initiative.
A letter offering details about Climate Sunday has been recently sent out to all clergy in the Church of England.
The letter asks churches to give one of their Sunday services to talking about the climate, and how they as a church should respond.
The letter also discusses other actions that can be taken, including details on how to begin the process of becoming an A Rocha Eco Church, as well as links to information on how to reduce a church’s carbon footprint.
The initiative asks churches to commit to long term plans to reduce their carbon emissions, and to speak up for a cleaner, greener future.
The Church of England has committed itself to achieving carbon net zero by 2030, a target that the diocese also aims to achieve. 
Jemima Parker, Diocesan Environment Officer, said: “The Climate Sunday initiative is a great way for churches to show a commitment to caring for God’s creation this year.
“With the COP26 conference in November, now is the time for churches to be taking the lead on this issue.
“I encourage all churches to hold a Climate Sunday service, raising our voices to protect this planet that God has given to us!”
To find out more about Climate Sunday, please click here.
To Find out more about what the diocese is doing to help our environment, please click here.

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