Living in Love and Faith pilot courses launched by our three Cathedrals

Pilot courses on Living in Love and Faith, The Church of England’s landmark set of resources on questions of identity, relationships, sexuality and marriage, will be run by each of our three cathedrals from next month.

Details on the different courses available at Wakefield, Ripon and Bradford cathedrals and how to take part in this ground-breaking project can be found here on the diocese’s Digital Learning Platform.

Living in Love and Faith (LLF) is thought to be the most extensive work in this area by any faith group in the world.

In our diocese, Bishop of Ripon, the Rt Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley is heading a steering group to engage with this exciting task and in a welcoming video which can be viewed here she said:

“We’re delighted that our three cathedrals are hosting pilot LLF courses.”

“At the core of our life together in the Diocese of Leeds is our hope that in our Living, Loving and Learning, we might reflect more fully the life of Christ in our midst.

“LLF is an opportunity to do just that.”

Bishop Helen-Ann said it is hoped that parishes, churches, chaplaincies and many other areas of diocesan life will engage with the full courses after Easter.

This is part of a process of discernment and decision-making that will take place throughout 2021, with the House of Bishops to bring that to a conclusion in 2022 before a presentation to Synod.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have commented:

Here is a course that is informative, thoughtful, challenging and engaging. Dealing with the sensitive and complex questions of identity, relationships and sexuality, it invites us to learn, reflect and pray together. It is about going deeper with each other and with God.

We commend this course to you. Our hope and prayer is that as we engage with it together across the church, we will learn to live more fully in the way of Christ – in love and faith.”

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