Marathon man achieves personal best for Mothers' Union!

Martin Holding achieved his personal best marathon time on April 8th whilst running to support the Diocese of Leeds Mothers' Union 'Away from it All' (AFIA) holiday scheme. 

The Manchester marathon finishing line clock showed 3 hours 20 minutes and 26 seconds as Martin crossed it and Mothers' Union members cheered him home!

A marathon runner for 9 years Martin has supported AFIA in the past for the historic diocese of Wakefield and as a family man himself he realises the value of helping to provide holidays for those less fortunate. Through his Just Giving page and sponsorship forms around the Diocese a sizeable sum will help to provide holidays in the coming months. Well done Martin!

Pictured with Martin are Jean Thurman, MU Diocesan President, and Yvonne Hutson, MU General Trustee.

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