Meet the diocesan teams at a series of new webinars

A new series of webinars where people can meet diocesan experts and set the discussion agenda will start next month.

Hosted by the diocesan Communications Team, education is the topic of the first one hour webinar on Thursday, February 4 at 6.30pm and questions raised by participants will lead the debate.

The vision of the Leeds Diocesan Board of Education is that: “Called by God, we aim to nurture Christian hope and high expectations in everyone who is involved in education across our Diocese.

“Our ambitions are to inspire children, young people and adults with Jesus’ promise of “life in all its fullness” (John 10.10).

“To support those who work in schools, colleges and universities in nurturing the whole human person, through encouraging spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, moral and social development.

”To offer a deeply Christian vision of human flourishing for all in which schools and other institutions serve the common good, setting high expectations of achievement within a holistic and whole-life framework.”

Director of Education Richard Noake said: “For obvious reasons, the education of our children and the issues faced by our schools are at the forefront of so many people’s minds.

“We continue to offer all the support we can and we’re looking forward to discussing our many projects and hopes for the future.”

Church buildings, renovations and improvements are always important topics in our parishes and the Diocesan Advisory Committee will give an overview of its work, give advice and answer questions on Monday, February 15 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

DAC Secretary Lisa McIntyre said: "As a team, a lot of our work involves visiting parishes and chatting about exciting building projects, as well as trying to help solve any challenges faced by our churches. “We really miss meeting people and so we hope our webinar will be informative and also help keep us all in touch."

To attend either (or both) webinars, please email in advance for Zoom details.

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