New digital noticeboard shines light in Wakefield

One of our parishes in Wakefield has come up with a creative new way of sharing the life of their churches with people in the area. 
The Parish of Sandal Magna have recently installed a new digital noticeboard, with the aim of promoting all the different things happening at the church.
The noticeboard is 2 metres wide by 1 metre high, and was made possible by a recently received legacy.
It has been used to promote the parish’s Spring Cafe and Shop, as well as their Christians against Poverty services. 
The Revd Rupert Martin, Vicar of the parish, said: “It shines out beautifully during these grey months and also at night, and gives the message that the church is alive and active- Light in the darkness! 
“The response so far has been very positive from parishioners and church members alike.
“It has been very helpful to have this technology during this pandemic. 
“We tend to create sequences of five or six posters which change every 10 seconds.
“We are in the middle of our daily Advent calendar which has a different image each day in December produced by each of the 18 classes of our Church school, Sandal Castle Primary. 
“The sequence has a general title image, the bible verse, the children’s drawing, the name of the school and the class, and an invitation to join us online and in church on Sunday.”
If your church is interested in setting something like this up, please contact our DAC for guidance and help with faculties. 

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