New ‘Food on a budget’ MU recipe book goes to food banks

MU cookbookPeople using foodbanks, or trying to cook on a budget are being helped by a new recipe book which has been compiled and produced by the Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union.  1000 copies have already gone out to food banks throughout the diocese.

Pictured with the book “Food on a Budget, Hints, Tips and Recipes for Tasty, Low Cost Meals” are MU members, Elizabeth Johnson, Margaret Bentley and Elaine Swinhoe.

Recipes include such standbys as winter warmer soups, mushroom pasta, macaroni cheese, and 5 minute bread and butter pudding. (In the picture: tasty rice salad).

“For a number of years the Mothers' Union has worked with students at Huddersfield University and distributed cookery books to help the young people away from home for the first time to prepare fresh, healthy food,” explains Mothers’ Union General Trustee, Yvonne Hutson.

“Following on from this, a Mothers' Union member in the Leeds area of the diocese thought that Mothers' Union could provide useful food hints, tips and recipes to help those with little cooking experience or those with very basic cooking facilities. 

“This food hints, tips and recipe booklet grew from that idea and 1000 copies have already been distributed to food banks throughout the diocese.”

Food on a Budget also includes some essential cookery tips and money saving ideas for those who are unused to cooking for themselves. Tips include shopping as late as possible in the day to make the most of reduced prices on perishable foods, drinking plenty of milk and cooking for 3 or 4 people to make the meal even more economical.

Pictured left is Jean Thurman, Diocesan President of Mothers’ Union, handing over booklets to Christine Henderson, a member of the management Team at the Food & Support Drop In, Halifax. Jean is a regular volunteer at this Food Bank and said the booklets are already proving popular with those receiving a food parcel and they will also be used at the Gathering Place to help teaching cooking of simple nutritious meals.

To get hold of a copy contact the Mothers’ Union secretary for the Diocese at

Or visit the webpages at

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