New rector for Guiseley with Esholt

The Revd David Pickett, MBE will be licensed as Rector of Guiseley with Esholt on 5 August. It’s the first licensing by Bishop Nick Baines since he became Bishop of Leeds.

Fr David Pickett is coming from St Michael & All Angels, Edenham in the Diocese of Lincoln where he was a curate and chaplain to five schools, a hospital and a hospice.

Born into a mining family in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, he spent 23 years with the RAF as an operations officer, serving in such places as Northern Ireland, Germany, Cyprus, Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2000 he was awarded the MBE for services to both the Royal Air Force and the Samaritans.

David trained for the priesthood at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield. He says, “I knew from primary-school age that God wanted me at some point to do something specific for Him, but I didn’t know what. I received God's calling to the priesthood whilst serving in Germany in 1994 and wrestled with it for 15 years! In 2009 I finally said ‘yes’ and applied for premature release from the Service. The day I filed my papers I cried all the way home in the car. I loved serving the RAF, but wouldn’t swap my ministry now for the world; it is the greatest privilege serving God in this way.”

David is married to Sarah and they have five children aged 1 to 15: Isaac, Stephen, Genevieve, Eloise and James. 

About coming to Guiseley, he says, “I knew this was the place for me when I first visited; the people were lovely, the churches beautiful, and the feel of the place - that warm feeling you get when you know it's right - was exactly what Sarah and I had hoped for when we began looking for my first incumbency.

As a family we now look forward to becoming part of the community of Guiseley with Esholt, helping serve both God and the people of this beautiful part of Yorkshire.”

David is also studying for an MA in Liturgy at the University of Sheffield. He says, “I absolutely love sacramental worship. Words, music and tradition make me feel closer to God, but also to the historical church.”

The Institution and Induction Service will take place at Guiseley St Oswald’s on Tuesday 5 August at 7.30pm.


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