Nominations are open for Diocesan Synod elections

An exciting opportunity to help shape the path of the diocese is now available, as nominations for election to Diocesan Synod are open.
Diocesan Synod is our assembly body, a meeting place that acts as a kind of ‘parliament’ for our parishes and churches. 
Ideas are shared, conversations held and decisions taken when Synod meets three times a year. 
It is made up of elected clergy and lay people from our deaneries, and the bishops, archdeacons, deans and General Synod members from our diocese. 
The Synod helps shape the path of the diocese by debating and voting on policies, approving budgets and more. 
It is also involved in shaping national conversations in the Church of England, by sending representatives to the national General Synod, and by proposing motions to be debated there as well.
The elected members of Synod are evenly split between clergy and laity and a complete election process takes place every three years. 
Candidates for Diocesan Synod are nominated by members of Deanery Synods - lay members nominate and vote for lay members and clergy for clergy, but candidates need not be on Deanery Synod themselves.
The nominations process for the 2021 elections for Synod closes on May 20. 
To find out more please click here.

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