Online parish magazine launched for 2021

An online-only version of our parish magazine insert has now been launched on the diocesan website.

The COVID-19 pandemic halted the sending out of printed versions of the Leeds Diocesan News, which were traditionally distributed to all parishes for physical inclusion in church magazines.

And as the national lockdown continues with new variants of the virus increasing risk of transmission, the Communications Team are now producing a monthly digital version of the insert which can be read, or downloaded and printed here

The January 2021 contains reflections by Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Revd Toby Howarth and also by Revd Canon Stephen Race, Area Dean of Barnsley, plus a selection of news highlights.

As previously, each of our Bishops will write monthly contributions and there will also be a new space for parish voices.

"The aim is to provide something which keeps us in touch - without touching anything," said Chris Tate, Director of Communications.

"We are aware that for different reasons, some people may not be able to access information via the internet and in the hope of a return to more normal practices, a survey on the return of printed copies will take place later in the year."

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