Palm Sunday procession marks newly re-ordered church

A joyful entry was made by the congregation of All Saint’s Normanton on Palm Sunday, following the successful completion of a re-ordering project at their church.

The work started on 5th January and was completed 13 weeks later in time for a wedding on April 6 -  to the relief of a happy bride and groom. The church congregation then set about making the building ready for regular worship at the start of Holy Week.  

Rev’d Alan Murray, vicar of All Saint’s Normanton, said, “It seemed good synergy to process back to church on Palm Sunday, as they had processed on Palm Sunday last time the church was reordered in 1992.”  

The works have included new underfloor heating, an LED lighting system, accessible toilets and a removable dais.  

Other Palm Sunday processions, many featuring donkeys at the head, have also taken place across the diocese to mark the start of Holy Week. 

On Palm Sunday Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to crowds and cheers. His triumphant entry into Jerusalem has been celebrated on the Sunday before Easter since the first centuries of Christianity.  

The crowds waved palm branches and covered his path with them. Churches remember this with crosses made from palm leaves and hold processions like the one that Jesus experienced - sometimes with a donkey, like at Ripon Cathedral.

At St. Oswald's, Methley, the Revd Sarah Hancox led the procession through the town to the church (pictured left).

A procession with palm crosses also took place at Christ Church Sowerby Bridge (pictured below).

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