Sailing Round Windermere to fundraise for Wakefield Cathedral\'s Project 2015


This week Wakefield Cathedral’s Canon Precentor, Andi Hofbauer and Assistant Organist, Simon Earl travelled up to Windermere to prepare for their fundraising challenge to sail round the lake aboard the good ship Windy to raise money for the second phase of the Cathedral’s refurbishment programme, Project 2015.

It didn’t start well. Our two intrepid sailors left Wakefield en route for the Lakes only to find themselves on the side of the road changing a tyre on the boat trailer.

But they finally arrived – shook out the storm sails just in case and started to make plans to take to the water.

This is their report:

Tuesday:  Quite a challenge with wind at 20mph and gusts of 40. Absolutely shattered after an amazing day's sailing. The weather, with quite some waves, and capricious gusts of wind, kept us on our toes all time round. It is absolutely exhilarating, and we've managed some amazing sailing particularly around Belle Isle at Bowness where we had to tack every half minute at one stage to manoeuvre the narrow channel avoiding the harbour wall, moored yachts and the rocks. There were plenty of people taking photos of us two madmen! Bigger yachts down sails and motor through which we of course can’t do on Windy. Working really well as a team! We've done just over half now,  we’re waiting for our curry to celebrate, and will return early tomorrow morning to pick her back up again at Fellfoot.


Wednesday: Woke up this morning to calmer weather and muscles aching I didn't know I had.  Preparing for the day ahead….more later

Wakefield Cathedral Chapter needs £2.2 million to renew the East End of the Cathedral and will hear if its bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund is successful this Autumn.  

Project 2015 will see the East End of the Grade 1 listed building shine again, with clean walls, new lighting and electrics, a level floor, a renewed St Mark’s Chapel and the creation of a quiet area for those who want to simply sit or light a candle.The music area below in the vestry – the engine room of the Cathedral’s world-renowned choir – will also be renewed as part of this phase.

Anyone wanting to donate can contact the Cathedral Office on 01924 373923 or donate directly at


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