Spanners instead of flip flops – a vicar’s suitcase

Insufficient baggage allowance is irritating for many holiday makers, but for Canon Felicity Lawson, Vicar of St Peter’s Gildersome, it’s had more significance than leaving behind an extra pair of shoes.

About to go on holiday in Uganda, she wants to use the opportunity to help stock workshops at the Shalom School in Teso, North East Uganda, which her churches support. When she asked her congregations in Drighlington (St Paul’s) and Gildersome for sewing and woodwork materials, the response was so overwhelming she couldn’t see her sitting room floor for weeks (photo attached).

Felicity says, “The response has been amazing and I’ve received three times as much as I can take. I’ve actually got 69kgs of baggage allowance, so I can take saws, screwdrivers and spanners along with all the sewing materials, but unfortunately the wood turning lathe I’ve been given is a step too far!  I’m going with Dr Christina Baxter (former Principal of St John's College Nottingham and former Lay Chair of General Synod) so she can fill her cases too, and anything we can’t take this time will go later with someone else.

“St Peter's Gildersome supports the work of Teso Educational Support Services, and Shalom school is their latest venture. It’s such a worthwhile project - it will provide life-long educational opportunities for people of all ages - so it’s great to be able to help practically at this early stage in its development.”


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