Tackling Islamophobia in Leeds

"Islamophobia Hurts!" is the name of a presentation and discussion in Leeds on 6 January looking at the causes of and possible cures for Islamophobia.

Revd Heston Groenewald, vicar of All Hallows, Hyde Park, says, "
Anti-Islamic and Anti-Muslim attitudes are having a negative impact on many of our communities.

If you're concerned about the rise of Islamophobia in the UK, then you will find this presentation both inspiring and informative.
"The session will also include a discussion of an action plan for Leeds to tackle islamophobia, and input from as many people as possible will be very welcome".

Saturday 6 January @ 4pm at Leeds Grand Mosque, LS6 1SN.

To register go to: https://mend.org.uk/event/islamophobia-hurts/
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