Team abseil for food bank and mental health

Priest in Charge of St Catherine Sandal, Revd Helen Collings and Centre Manager, Lisa Grant will take their life in their hands when they abseil down Wakefield Cathedral on Saturday 4th October.

The abseil is taking place during Mental Health Awareness Week. Helen and Lisa are raising money for the Rethink Together group, which meets at St Catherine’s, and for the Emergency Food Store which is run out of the centre at St Catherine's.

Helen said:  “Mental health issues can affect anyone and the Rethink Together group do a fantastic job in supporting each other when times are tough.

“Here at St Caths we hear all too often how money worries can contribute to poor mental health and we recognise that a number of those coming to the Emergency Food Store need additional support. A listening ear can make all the difference."

St Catherine’s Food Bank provides local families and individuals with essential food supplies at a time when they need them most and is open Monday to Friday from 11 to 1pm every day.

You can support Helen and Lisa via their Just Giving page, or you can text STCF13 £5 (or any amount you prefer) to 70070.

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