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Church House in Leeds gets Eco Silver Award

The Diocese of Leeds is proud to have achieved an A Rocha UK Eco Silver Award for Church House in Leeds.

A Rocha UK is a Christian charity that looks to equip Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment.

Their Eco Church Awards provide a framework to support churches take practical action on caring for God’s earth, and includes a toolkit of resources, an online award survey and more.

Churches across the Diocese of Leeds have secured Bronze, Silver and Gold awards, and Church House, the diocesan office, is proud to join them with its own Silver award.

The awards are achieved by completing an Eco Award survey, which covers actions taken in five key areas. 

These are worship and teaching, buildings and energy, land and nature, community and global engagement, and lifestyle.

Actions taken at Church House in these areas include environmental matters being included in worship held there; using a green energy tariff for the building; promoting Fairtrade across the diocese; and encouraging staff to act in a more environmentally friendly way, for example getting public transport to work and recycling where possible.

Jonathan Wood, Diocesan Secretary, said: “It’s fantastic to receive this award and have the hard work of diocesan staff rewarded in this way. 

“Caring for our environment is really important to us and we are committed to doing all we can to play our part.”

To find out more about Eco Church, please click here.

First published on: 3rd February 2025
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