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Diocesan interns learn about caring for God's creation

Our diocesan interns spent some time this week learning about why and how we care for God’s creation.

The interns gathered at St Mark’s Harrogate on Monday, March 6, to spend some time hearing from Jemima Parker, Diocesan Environment Officer, learning about how the Church can respond to the climate crisis.

After a time of sung worship, Jemima shared reflections looking at where we are now, why Christians should want to care for the environment, what the diocese is doing, what a parish can do and our own personal responses. 

The interns then heard from Deborah Booth, Parish Environment Officer at St Mark’s, looking at the changes the church have made to their building to reduce their carbon emissions.

Jemima said: “It was pleasure to explore the good news of a bigger gospel, not just for people but for the whole of Christ’s creation, with these committed and passionate young people. 

“Being able to tour St Mark’s and get a little taste of what that might look like in practice was a great experience.”

First published on: 7th March 2023
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