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St Peter\'s Coniston Cold ready to ring in Jubilee

St Peter’s Coniston Cold are celebrating Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee with sponsored crowns, a community party and the ringing of the famous Bell Busk bell.

Crowns are being decorated to be placed on a celebratory sign outside the church, and are sponsored, with donations going to the church.

The village of Bell Busk has planted a tree on their Common, with an explanatory plaque, which has been registered with the Queen’s Green Canopy to mark the occasion. 

A special part of the celebrations will be the ringing of the original Bell Busk bell, last officially rung at the Queen’s coronation in 1953.

The bell has been polished, painted and re-roped, and a lucky villager’s name will be drawn from a hat to ring the bell over the Jubilee weekend.

Helen Barrow, Churchwarden at St Peter’s, said: “A small community party will be taking place as well, where each family has been cordially invited to join. 

“It’ll be a simple party with games, food, fun and frolics along with the waving of flags and singing."

“To finish off a what we hope to be a great inclusive weekend there will be the service of celebration at St Peter’s.

“And to top it off, a resident is developing a special Jubilee cocktail, a cocktail with 70 kicks!”

The celebration will take place on Saturday, June 4.

First published on: 11th May 2022
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