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Art for wellbeing's sake draws a crowd to one of our churches

Some 30 people enjoyed an Art and Wellbeing workshop at Settle Parish Church, led by stained glass and community artist Linda Baines, and Shaeron Caton-Rose, an installation and printmaking artist. Linda is also a spiritual director, and together they shared their experience of developing ReCreate, a Community Interest Company focussing on art and mental wellbeing They run retreats, work with community groups in Bradford and Leeds, and use art and craft to explore ideas, reflect on faith and promote mental wellbeing.

Linda and Shaeron illustrated their presentation with numerous examples of creative work, and provided a wealth of resources, in particular Shaeron’s latest book Soul Art: a workshop manual for creativity and wellbeing, published by Wild Goose publications. The session was also hands on, with the opportunity to explore themes of life using collage, painting, words, and images, helping participants to think about what might be required in order to set up a group for art and mental wellbeing in their own communities.

This workshop was organised by the churches of Bowland and Ewecross Deanery. Course participant Revd Sue McWhinney said “I appreciated the opportunity to pause in the midst of a busy week, to re-connect with creativity, and to reflect on life using collage, painting, and sharing with others in a group setting.”

Linda and Shaeron would be happy to come and speak to other churches or community groups if they would like some ideas to help them set up art and wellbeing groups in their own areas.

First published on: 4th May 2023
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