The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds announced his retirement in an Ad Clerum to clergy this morning and will end his ground-breaking role at the end of November this year.
“It has been an immense privilege to have been asked to serve in this role, and it has been an honour to work alongside clergy and lay leaders who demonstrate joy, vision, courage and resilience,” said Bishop Nick.
His work and duties will be delegated to The Rt Revd Toby Howarth, Bishop of Bradford from September and details of farewell services at our cathedrals are included in Bishop Nick’s letter, which may be read in full below:
“I write this morning to inform you that I have submitted my resignation to the King and he has accepted it. I will retire as Bishop of Leeds on 30 November 2025 after nearly twelve years in post.
It has been an immense privilege to have been asked to serve in this role, and it has been an honour to work alongside clergy and lay leaders who demonstrate joy, vision, courage and resilience. Not only did we create at Easter 2014 a new diocese from the three dissolved historic dioceses of Bradford, Ripon & Leeds and Wakefield, but we also journeyed through the challenges of a global pandemic and its consequences across church and society.
I will for ever be grateful for your support, prayers and encouragements - even when people strongly disagreed with me or my colleagues. I cannot put into words my respect and gratitude for all the colleagues with whom I have worked closely in building this diocese: diocesan secretaries, registrars, bishops, archdeacons, deans, and many, many more.
However, the time is right for me to go and for the diocese to seek a new diocesan bishop who can bring new vision and build a stronger future. I will continue to work as hard as ever until mid-September before delegating to Bishop Toby while I begin to extract myself and do the necessary archiving and preparing for the vacancy (diocesan colleagues) and retirement.
I will delegate my authority to the Bishop of Bradford on Friday 12 September. I will officiate for the last time at Bradford Cathedral at 3.30pm on Sunday 19 October and at Wakefield Cathedral at 3.30pm on Sunday 26 October - both of which also give me an opportunity to thank the retiring Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire for his extraordinary service. My farewell service will take place at 3.30pm on Sunday 23 November at Ripon Cathedral.
Linda and I will be retiring to Liverpool (surprisingly) where I am sure some chaplaincy might be needed at Anfield. (Don’t mention Newcastle United).
You will remain in my heart and my prayers into the future. Please pray for me and Linda.
The Rt Revd Nicholas Baines
Bishop of Leeds