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Children thrive and are nutured say successful SIAMS reports

Two of our schools have been celebrating recent very successful SIAMS reports.

Pupils and teachers at Keighley St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School and Ripley Endowed CE School have both been praised for providing environments that nurture and let all thrive.

Everyone at Keighley St Andrew's Church of England Primary School "thrives in a deeply inclusive environment", according to their SIAMS report.

"The inspection focused on the impact of our school's Christian vision on pupils and adults," said St Andrew's head of school, Miss Mercedes Stephenson.

"This involved looking at provision in school and how effective it is in enabling all pupils to flourish.”

Revd Canon Mike Cansdale, Team Rector of Keighley and ex-officio governor said: "It fills us with pride that the amazing work of our pupils and adults is recognised in such a wonderful report."

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s way of inspecting schools.

It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England.

SIAMS inspection plays an important role in the improvement of Church schools, by affirming that which is effective and by highlighting key areas for improvement.

By focusing on impact above all else, SIAMS explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives the school and enables it to live up to its foundation.

Victoria Kirkman, Executive Headteacher of Ripley Endowned CE School, said: “We are overjoyed that in our recent SIAMS inspection, we have been recognised as successfully living up to our foundation as a Church School.

“At Ripley school, we provide a community of compassion: a place where all children are courageous and who grow together, guided by love.

“This report follows our recent Ofsted inspection where the school was rated as 'Good' from Inadequate and so we can now say that not only do the children of Ripley School get a superb quality of education but that they all flourish together guided by loved.”

Charlotte Holstein, Religious Education and Collective Worship Lead at the school, said: “As Religious Education and Collective Worship Lead, I am thrilled to have led the Ripley Community in achieving an exceptional SIAMS report under the new SIAMS inspection framework.

“The staff, children and parents/carers have worked as a team to embody our vision 'Growing Together, Guided by Love' - using it to drive everything that we do.

“We could not be prouder to show yet another inspector just how amazing Ripley is and how we enable all children to achieve their very best and flourish.”

First published on: 7th December 2023
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