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Green Aware morning helps in Huddersfield church

People in Brownhill recently had the chance to learn more about caring for God’s creation, thanks to a Green Aware morning.

St Saviour’s Church, Brownhill, hosted the morning, where local groups were invited to showcase their environmental work, and to chat to visitors.

The Revd Debby Plummer, Huddersfield Area Environment Champion was warmly welcomed.

The church’s Environment Officer, Kate Anderson, ran the Eco Church display, explaining the origin and aims of the scheme, discussing St Saviour’s progress, and chatting about the ways in which we can all make improvements to our carbon footprints.

There was a Kids’ Swap Shop – parents took the opportunity to clear out their toy cupboards, and the kids were delighted to restock free of charge.

Also, families were encouraged to help to create a Rubbish Monster, using non-recyclable materials.

Visitors were invited to write pledges on rag ribbons, and to fasten them on a rope, now hanging in the Prayer Corner.

Many of the Tombola prizes were carefully chosen to reflect the sustainability theme, for example fewer road miles, plant based products, and Fairtrade goods.

Profit from the Tombola and donations made for refreshments are to be sent to Tearfund’s Rubbish campaign.

The Revd. Lesley Mattacks, Vicar of St Saviour’s, said: “Events like these are very important to spread the word that we all need to take our responsibility to be good stewards of God’s creation very seriously.

“It is the poorest communities in our world who pay the highest price for the damage to our climate.

“It is also easy to feel overwhelmed and feel we cannot do anything to change things.  

“This event has shown that there are a lot of small things we can do with recycling and rethinking the way we do things.

“Small things add up to big changes!”

First published on: 24th May 2023
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