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Growing young people as Christians at St Chad\'s Church

A new youth group at St Chad’s Church Far Headingley is celebrating half a year of existence with an exciting programme of activities this Spring.

Formed back in September 2021, the youth group began life with an Alpha Course designed to help young people explore faith together and ask those questions about life, faith, God, the universe, that they always wanted to ask.

Since then the group has gone from strength to strength, with some of the young people deciding to be baptised and confirmed in their faith (pictured below).

Other highlights include the church welcoming Ollie Greenfield, their new Youth Worker, holding a Christmas party and sleepover at St Chad’s. 

“At St Chad’s we’ve had the age-old problem that once our children reach high-school age they stop coming to church,” said the Revd Hannah Lievesley, Vicar at St Chad’s.

“It’s easy to think they aren’t interested in faith anymore, but that’s not it. Often they simply don’t relate to the way we worship and can’t see a place for themselves in our churches. 

“Making space for them to question and explore their faith alongside others the same age, and coupling this with a fun social programme can turn the tide.”

St Chad’s Youth Group continue to meet on a weekly basis, welcoming new members, and this term they plan to explore ‘What is Worship?’. As well as hosting further social nights, the church would love to develop a youth band in the near future.

First published on: 24th February 2022
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