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New Minister among Deaf People announced for the Diocese of Leeds

Revd Dr Tracey Raistrick is to be the next Minister Among Deaf People for our diocese. 

Starting in the New Year, Tracey will take on the role from the recently retired Revd Mark Smith. She will also continue in her current position, as Priest in Charge of St John’s Ingrow, on a half time basis.

The Bishop of Leeds, in a recently recorded video, welcomed Tracey into her new role: “Tracey I’m delighted that you’re coming into this post. 

“You have a long track record in it and I’m sure the deaf communities within our diocese will be delighted with the news as well. Welcome to your new role.”

On average one in six people are deaf or have some form of hearing loss, and the Deaf Ministry Team in the Diocese of Leeds try to make sure everyone is included in our Churches. 

When asked about what her new role will involve, Tracey said, “Where we’ve currently got congregations who support the deaf community, such as through British Sign Language in Huddersfield and Bradford, I will be looking to support them.

“However, I will also be looking for new opportunities in other areas that might present themselves moving forward.”

Graham Kershaw, a member of the Deaf Church, said, “We’re really looking forward to working with Tracey in the future and hopefully the Deaf Church will grow as a result. The Deaf Community are here to support and work together with Tracey.”

First published on: 21st November 2022
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